Insightful discussions during our stakeholder meeting on adolescent perinatal mental health in Sri Lanka

Insightful discussions during our stakeholder meeting on adolescent perinatal mental health in Sri Lanka, held on April 17th, 2024. The dynamic discussions led by Dr. Kethakie Lamahewa shed light on key priorities, challenges, and the promising Thriving Mamas Programme, a co-designed intervention and collaboration between Kings College London, International Center for Reproductive Health (Mozambique) and…

ENHANCE: Collaborative Learning Workshop: Dec 2023

ENHANCE: Collaborative Learning Workshop: Dec 2023 ENHANCE: Collaborative Learning Workshop: Dec 2023 Grant Writing and Proposal Development Facilitators: Dr Siham Sikander, Dr Ahmed Waqas and Dr Atif Rahman from the University of Liverpool, UK and Prof. Athula Sumathipala from the Institute for Research and Development in Health and Social Care, Sri Lanka.